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Chad Hybarger, Psy.D.
The Family Institute
Marriage and Family Therapist (California: 37091)

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 Welcome to the Family Therapy Institute!

If you are experiencing problems that disrupt your life, we offer unique solutions to get you back on track. Our methods are brief, non-intrusive, and effective. Whether you are seeking help for yourself or a loved one, we can help. We also assist therapists by providing high quality training and continuing education.

Do you have a child that is out of control?

We specialize in treating difficult children and adolescents. Don't let confusing diagnoses like ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and bipolar disorder frighten you.  We have specific techniques to help you get back in control and get your child on the right path.

Are you worried about a loved one's excessive diets or binge eating?

Our techniques are cutting edge and effective. Pioneered in Italy specifically for difficult-to-resolve eating disorders like bulimia and anorexia, we utilize advanced methods of eliminating syndromes involving vomiting or gorging.

Something got you down?

Depression need not hold you back any longer. This is the most widespread, yet the most treatable problem. Isn't it time you enjoyed life again?

Paralyzed by fear?

Whether you are a prisoner in your own home (agoraphobic), afraid of creepy crawly things (specific phobia), or are feeling generally anxious (generalized anxiety), we can move you past your problem.

Are repetitive rituals taking over your life?

We have solutions for you.  Our methods have been demonstrated to quickly get you back in control of your life.

Relationship not what it used to be?

We also provide marriage counseling, relationship counseling, and individual counseling to help with family and social adjustment.


Additional information

2160 Fletcher Parkay, Suite M
El Cajon, CA 92020

(619) 562-2130

Email Therapist


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