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North Jersey Consultation Center

The North Jersey Consultation Center (NJCC) is a mental health treatment service offering affordable short and long-term therapy for a wide range of emotional problems and challenges that people face in modern society. In an age of managed care when patients are being intruded upon and denied treatment after brief experiences in therapy, NJCC offers a hopeful alternative.

NJCC therapists are advanced candidates at the Academy of Clinical and Applied Psychoanalysis (ACAP). All therapists have earned at least a master's degree. NJCC therapists treat the full range of emotional disorders. They work with patients on the ordinary problems of living, including family problems, school adjustment and work related issues. However, what makes NJCC truly unique is that our therapists welcome patients with the most severe pathologies, including the schizophrenias, affective disorders, addictive disorders, borderline conditions, and personality disorders. NJCC therapists pride themselves on being able to treat those who have been traditionally regarded as "hopeless" or "impossible to treat." No patient has ever been turned away from NJCC.

The North Jersey Consultation Center is unique in its treatment techniques. Therapists are trained to treat patients as partners in the work of therapy. Patients are encouraged to set the goals and to work cooperatively with their therapists to establish the fee, the length, and the frequency of treatment. The creation of this cooperative partnership between patients and therapists actually helps to empower patients to cope better and to improve their lives and the lives of their family members. Therapists are trained to work with patients in individual, family, marital, and group settings. Additionally, they are trained in modern psychoanalytic techniques that help individuals to work in the present to bring about significant improvements in their lives through the therapeutic relationship.


Additional information

301 South Livingston Avenue, 2nd Floor
Livingston, NJ 07039

(973) 629-1004



For Therapists:
