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Heidi Spencer, Ph.D., LCSW, BCD
Licensed Social Worker (Maryland: 04226)


  • Dr. Heidi Spencer, full-time clinician, holds a Ph.D. in Adult & Family Psychology and is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.
  • Offers interactive, dynamic individual, couples, family andgroup therapy for adults.

  • Consultation: clinical supervision. Solid, adjustable fees. Safe,free indoor parking. One block to Metro.

  • Broad clinical interests (including mood/transistional problems;depression/anxiety; couples/partnering; post-traumatic syndromes; ethics;therapist/clergy exploitation; families in pain; ethnic/culteral/religiousdiversity; non-traditional families; gender issues.)

  • Has taught at the Catholic University/other training centers. Offersstaff trainings (e.g., agencies, universities/counseling cntrs). Designs programs/presentations for professional and lay workshops/conferences.

  • Her new book Did I Do Something Wrong? A SupportiveGuide for Parents and Loved Ones of People in Therapy" (NJ: New HorizonPress 1995): Available through local book stores or 1-800-533-7978. $13.95 ea. 40% discount on 20 or more. Allays fears and uncertainty of clientsand loved ones. Explains the Rx/recovery process. Featured on the nationally syndicatedDiane Rehm Show, NPR, etc..


Additional information

4400 East/West Highway, Suite G
Bethesda, MD 20814

(301) 951-8570


For Therapists:
